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the Artist

Sea Turtle - Personal Collection

the work


My name is Jenn Adams. I have always been an artist - as long as I can remember. I have a degree in Fine Art and I am most definitely right-brained. Our house is not the typical house... I never purchase store bought paintings (because I can recreate them and add my touch). I reuse or repurpose often, I am not afraid to try something new and often you will find things in unusual places or used in strange (to most people) ways, and for holidays - mine can be “THAT house” ... because to me, everything Ends up Art - and that makes me happy!


My “real” profession is a graphic artist/art director/Owner of Zenn Creative. I have over 25 years experience in this field. My other job is a Jazzercise instructor and center owner. And then of course, like so many, I am a mom and a wife. So End up Art is my time - like Jazzercise, it is a time for me to do something for me. I love creating, and I found with Jazzercise, that I struggle finding apparel I like, so I make my own. Honestly, most of my creations were developed because I just couldn't find that piece that I wanted.


So here we are, in a creative world. My hope is that you find something you like in my work, or maybe have an idea you would like to see created for you. Like the name says - everything Ends Up Art - wear it, use it proudly.


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